Yes, we perform the asbestos testing associated with Ventura County and Santa Barbara County APCD requirements, but we also work hard to help our locals navigate the process.
Do not fear forms like VC-APCD (AB3205 and ENF-62) or SBC-APCD (ENF-28 and ENF-28e); just call or email us. We saw how many people were struggling with the process, so we put our collective experience together to try and make it as simple as possible for our clients. We have flow charts tailored to the particular APCDs, and we are always ready to answer questions.
If you do in fact need an asbestos survey, we try to limit the testing to your particular scope of work, so that there are no other nonsense charges. Also, our main office is in Carpinteria, and we can be on site from Simi Valley to Santa Maria in short order.
Drop us a line! Hopefully we can save you a lot of time and frustration.
Michael Mier
Cell: 805-699-0223
& Operated