The Best Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Mold Testing in Carpinteria CA

When it comes to the indoor air quality in your home, it is often an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. Many of us don’t realize the consequences of poor indoor air quality. Pollutants, allergens, and mold spores can become comfortable in our homes and cause illnesses, allergies, weakened immune systems, and even a mold outbreak. If you would like to be proactive about this the best thing you can do is consult the experts like the team at Insight Environmental and perform indoor air quality testing. This will give you insight as to what is really going on in your home, and provide you with a game plan for making your space more fresh and comfortable over all. In the meantime, there are some beneficial practices you can adopt to maintain a better indoor air quality on your own.

Humidity Maintenance

Maintaining a healthy humidity level is crucial for improving your indoor air quality. Mold and bacteria can thrive if the moisture levels in the air around you are too high. The ideal level for indoor humidity is between thirty percent and fifty percent. If your humidity is too high, then consider using a dehumidifier. Circulation can also help with high humidity and stagnant air so running fans or keeping your windows open on a beautiful day can be beneficial- not only for your air quality, but for your mental wellbeing too. If your humidity is particularly low then you may be interested in a humidifier. Whether your humidity is too high or too low, it is important to note that improper humidity levels can cause extensive property damage over time.

Clean Your Filters

The filters on your appliances and air conditioning units collect all the dust, pollens, allergens, and dander. Keeping these clean can have a positive impact on your indoor air quality. Be sure to change or clean your air filters accordingly (most units say between one and three months) to keep your home feeling fresh and to keep your AC ducts from collecting dust and other pollutants. It is also important to change or clean the filters on your purifiers, humidifiers or dehumidifiers, dishwashers, dryers, and even your vacuum cleaners.

Indoor Air Quality Testing

Use An Air Purifier

There are many air purifiers you can get for your indoor space that can assist with improving your indoor air quality. Though they may not leave your home in a perfect state depending on other factors, they will definitely help to filter out some of the pollutants, allergens, and toxins around you.

Keep Rugs And Carpets Clean

Rugs and carpets are where dust and dander like to hide. They can even be housing mold spores and other not so pleasant things. Be sure to keep your rugs and carpets vacuumed and cleaned to improve your indoor air quality.

Use Your Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans can be very helpful with sucking up any excess vapor or steam in bathrooms and kitchens, so be sure to take advantage of them. They can also remove byproducts that are created when we cook and cut down on some of the lingering smells that may be left behind.

By keeping up with these good practices, you can make a big difference in your indoor air quality. Our professionals at Insight Environmental are experts at indoor air quality testing, and can give you the peace of mind or course of action that can help you take your health into your own hands and make your environment even better. Contact us right away to schedule your indoor air quality testing service.

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