When Should You Test For Asbestos?

Mold Testing in Carpinteria CA

If you think that there may be asbestos in your home, don’t be alarmed, a lot of older homes were built with asbestos containing materials. Normally, asbestos-containing materials in your home are in good condition and will not pose a health risk during a remodel as long as the type of work doesn’t release asbestos fibers into the air through grinding or demolition. Generally, the best thing to do is to leave asbestos-containing material alone. And in order to clear up any confusion, we’ve put together this easy guide to understanding asbestos, when to test for its existence, and what to do about it if you find asbestos in your home.

Let us first discuss what Asbestos is. Asbestos is a material that was used in early construction because of its heat resistant qualities and versatile applications. Up until recently, asbestos was the go-to material in the construction industry. So what changed? Studies have found that asbestos has some severe health consequences.

Like most surfaces, asbestos is subject to wear and tear that leads to dusting, a process that releases dust particles into the air. These particles end up in the occupants’ lungs when inhaled. Asbestos particles cause cancer and other fatal health issues. These findings have led to governments banning the use of the substance in construction. After this discovery, homeowners were forced to move out of their houses, and work buildings with asbestos were evacuated until the asbestos could be properly remediated.

Does Your Home Contain Asbestos?

An asbestos professional will be able to tell whether your home has asbestos. Occupants might also display the following symptoms

  • Pleural thickening
  • Respiratory complications
  • Asbestosis
  • Dry cough and wheezing
  • Pleural plaques
  • Crackling sounds when breathing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Pleural effusion

Asbestos can also affect other parts of the body. People can experience the following symptoms when exposed to asbestos.

  • Hernia
  • Clubbed fingers
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Abdominal swelling and distention
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Unexplained weight loss

When people notice a pattern of illness after being around certain buildings, they should take specific steps towards asbestos testing. A trusted asbestos company should conduct asbestos testing; reliable testing services can be found here. The company has conducted over 10,000 inspections in Santa Barbara, Ventura and SLO counties since 2008. Clients can count on realistic solutions after a professional home inspection.

Different types of asbestos

Asbestos presents itself in different forms, and not all of them are harmful to human health. The most hazardous form of asbestos is crocidolite, followed closely by amosite asbestos. Other forms of the mineral are not as hazardous, including the chrysotile asbestos. It is not easy to differentiate these forms using the naked eye. 


Because different types of asbestos present different health risks, it is not easy to decide when to get asbestos testing for a building. If anyone in your home or business shows signs of any of the above health symptoms, or you know that your home or business contains asbestos materials, an asbestos company should be called in to test for asbestos. The professionals at Insight Environmental provide accurate asbestos testing services and comprehensive solutions to their clients. Get in touch with Insight Environmental for quality, environmental testing services today. 

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